The Large Bath is located opposite of the House of Peristeria, across the street Via Principalis Inferior. It was excavated in 1931 – 32 and conserved in 1960.


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The Bath is entered from the street Via Axia. The Apoditerium (dressing room) occupies the western part of the building and it is the largest room. The walls, on three sides, are lined with low benches made of stone and the whole room was divided in two by an arcade. Beneath the floor of the apoditerium, a colonnade and two sculptures from the early 3rd century were discovered. One of the sculptures represents Venera with a dolphin while the other belongs to an honorable citizen.


From the apoditerium one can enter the frigidarium (room with cold water) and the caldarium (room with hot air). The caldarium has an apse on the eastern side and five praefurnia (fireplaces) on the outside. Inside the caldarium there were small baths filled with hot or warm water.  The hypocaust system below the floor of the caldarium is present nowadays. The water was supplied in the caldarium through a water line supported by an arcade.


To the north of the caldarium there were an open court and a latrine (toilet) under which the drainage channel was located.


To the east of the caldarium there is another segment of the Large Bath with semicircular small pools. It is identified as another frigidarium because of lack of a heating system.


The Large Bath was built at the end of the 3rd century AD.

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