The House of Peristeria is surrounded by streets on the four sides and it is located in the center of the town. The biggest part was uncovered in 1933 – 34 but there also were some small archaeological excavations on particular places in 1965, 1971, 2001 and 2005.
This house is a complex of many rooms with residential and economic purpose which had at least two floors as suggested by the discovered steps. The southeast half of the building is the residential part. It is composed by a perystile, two triclinia (dining rooms), a bath, open court and couple of other small rooms.
The perystile is formed by couple of columns and it has a floor made of sandstone slabs. At the northwest end of the perystile there is a pool fenced with slabs. In the centrе of the fence there is a part of a grave stela from the 2nd or 3rd century with a relief representation of a family.
The triclinia are to the southwest of the perystile. The floor of the western triclinium is made of sandstone slabs while the eastern triclinium has a mosaic floor and a fountain in the middle. The rectangular zones of the mosaic are decorated with geometrical and animal motifs, representing Christian symbolism. In one of the zones there is an inscription containing four names, two of which are from the Peristeria family. An inscription mentioning the name of Peristeria is also found on the mosaic floor of the south aisle in the Old Episcopal Basilica. The House of Peristeria is dated at the beginning of the 5th century AD mostly because of the mosaic floor in the triclinium.
In the south corner of the building there is an open court. Walls from the 1st – 2nd century AD and graves from 3rd – 2nd century BC were discovered below the level of the court.
The northwest half of the house is the economic part and it has many small rooms organized around two courts. These rooms have had many alterations through the years of existence. A pottery kiln and large amount of pottery debris was discovered in one of the courts.
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